
scaffoldedmath.com home

Hi! My name is Shana McKay and I started teaching math in Massachusetts public schools in 2004. I believe that all kids can enjoy learning math with the right supports in place. You can read more about my career on my about page or skip down below to some links I think you may like. Thank you for stopping by.


math word walls
math word walls

digital math escape rooms
digital math escape rooms

consumer math curriculum
consumer math curriculum

math pennants
math pennants

Math error analysis activities
math error analysis activities

holiday math activities
holiday math

Voyage to the Treasure! math games
voyage to the treasure!

math cheat sheets
math cheat sheets

math templates
math templates

number sense ideas
number sense ideas

partner scavenger hunt math activities
partner scavenger hunts

math classroom decoration ideas
math classroom décor

Visual Math Facebook group
visual math Facebook group