How to Enlarge a PDF into a Multi-Page Poster for FREE! 3 Simple Steps

Are you looking for a free way to enlarge a pdf to print on multiple pages? To make a classroom poster for your bulletin board from a pdf?  In this post are 3 simple steps to make this happen. You will be able to enlarge any pdf into a multi-page poster to hang in your classroom.

When I first started hanging math word walls on my classroom bulletin boards, I figured out a super roundabout way to enlarge a pdf to print on multiple pages. There were multiple conversions involved and the whole thing took entirely too long. So I enlarged a few things, put them up in my classroom and moved on. 

quadratics poster enlarged to 4 pages

But I recently revisited this whole free poster thing because there had to be an easier way. And my "revisiting", I mean I asked in our Facebook group and got an answer in 3.2 seconds from a super helpful teacher Ms. Potter. And yes, I had been doing things the hard way!

I could very well be the very last person on Earth to know how to do this but like we tell students, "Always ask your question because guaranteed there is someone else in the room who is wondering the same thing." So if you are like me, here are 3 super-simple steps to enlarge a pdf into a multi-page poster. 

Are you looking for a free way to enlarge a pdf to print on multiple pages? To make a classroom poster for your bulletin board from a pdf?  In this post are 3 simple steps to make this happen. You will be able to enlarge any pdf into a multi-page poster to hang in your classroom.

How to enlarge a pdf to print on multiple pages

(video: Enlarging this Practice Makes Better poster)

Step 1:
The first thing to do is download (from a desktop computer) Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. It's free. Definitely uncheck those "optional offers" for McAfee Security. Those seem unnecessary.

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC makes enlarging pds to print on multiple pages super easy

Step 2:
Right click on your pdf file and choose "open with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC". 

Right click and choose "open with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC" to begin the poster printing process

Step 3:
Once your file is open, choose "print". This will bring up the settings.

Are you looking for a free way to enlarge a pdf to print on multiple pages? To make a classroom poster for your bulletin board from a pdf?  In this post are 3 simple steps to make this happen. You will be able to enlarge any pdf into a multi-page poster to hang in your classroom.

By choosing "current page" and "Poster" my printer magically enlarged this How to Be a Math Person poster to 4 pages. 

*You can experiment with Tile Scale (right underneath the Size button) to get the number of pages you want your poster to be. For this poster, 100% worked. When I printed my Quadratic Keywords poster (below), I had to change this setting to 185%. You can keep increasing this % to make a giant poster!

hint: You may need to click out of the Tile Scale box and into another box in order for your set tile scale to take. This is what happens when I enlarge PDFs.

Are you looking for a free way to enlarge a pdf to print on multiple pages? In this post are 3 simple steps to make this happen. You will be able to enlarge any pdf into a multi-page poster to hang in your classroom.

There is some trimming to do, but this is OK because the overlap makes the poster easy to tape together. 

Are you looking for a free way to enlarge a pdf to print on multiple pages? In this post are 3 simple steps to make this happen. You will be able to enlarge any pdf into a multi-page poster to hang in your classroom.

Once I lined everything up, I put small pieces of tape on the edges to hold things in place while I used larger pieces of tape to secure everything.

Are you looking for a free way to enlarge a pdf to print on multiple pages? In this post are 3 simple steps to make this happen. You will be able to enlarge any pdf into a multi-page poster to hang in your classroom. Here is a finished poster!

And here's the finished product! Once the poster is taped and on the wall, the seams are barely noticeable.

Are you looking for a free way to enlarge a pdf to print on multiple pages? In this post are 3 simple steps to make this happen. You will be able to enlarge any pdf into a multi-page poster to hang in your classroom. Here is a finished poster hanging on the wall. You can barely see the seams.

Super easy to do. I went on to re-print my parallel lines cut by a transversal poster, too.

Here is a parallel lines cut by a transversal multi-page poster

And this Quadratic Keywords poster.

Here is a quadratic keywords poster printed on multiple pages

I hope this post has been helpful and helps you make lots of fun posters for your math classroom decor! Please always email if any settings give you trouble and I'll be happy to help.

Enlarged addition reference from a 3rd grade math word wall

I enlarged this addition reference from a new 3rd grade math word wall addition reference using the same directions. 

Enlarged addition reference from a 3rd grade math word wall

Here it is all taped together. At this point I want to enlarge everything! So simple and it's so nice to be able to do it from home. 

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  1. This is awesome! Thank you for sharing!!

    1. My pleasure! I am happy it was helpful:)

  2. This is awesome! Thank you so much. I, too, have been doing this the hard way. How easy is this!

    1. Oh my gosh, I had been too! I was to thankful a teacher mentioned Adobe!

  3. Thank you I appreciate this easy way out to enlarge things.

    1. I could not believe how easy this was to do when I learned about it. Glad to pass it on!

  4. Want to see some math solution on reduction and enlargement pls

  5. Thank you

  6. Awesome and thank you for sharing!

    1. My pleasure, Kimberly! I hope you have a great start to your year.


  8. You just saved my morning. I have been trying to print a pattern to fit on multiple pages and could not figure it out!

    1. I'm so glad the post helped! It's a simple process, but for some reason not immediately obvious. I remember feeling that way!

  9. I had no idea! thank you for the tips on posters :)

  10. This is awesome !! My students love the big poster .

