Easily gamify any math assignment {with a trip around the world!}

How to Easily Gamify Any Math Assignment!

You can easily gamify any math worksheet, set of task cards or really any math assignment by sending your students on a world trip! This simple add-on will work for any assignment with 20 questions or less. 

How it works: 

  • First, tape the destination slips in order on the classroom walls. Destinations have names and numbers.

  • Student teams get an avatar slip and customize it. Students then tape their avatar under the first destination they want to visit. 

  • Students then complete that problem of their assignment (destination 1 corresponds with worksheet problem 1 or task card 1, for example). 

  • Students move to the next destination once they know their work is correct. I used to circulate the classroom stamping completed work.

  • Once students get back to their first destination, they have completed their world trip-- and their assignment! 

Students can compete by all starting at the same destination, or you can lessen the competition by having students choose where to start.

I hope your students enjoy their math world trip! You can download the world trip here from my Google Drive.

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