Before our daughter was born, I watched a ton of TV. It was always on in the background. In fact, my husband and daughter are on a little father daughter outing right now so I popped on HGTV while writing this post. Old habits die hard!
I think my husband was a little worried that my TV habit would persist into motherhood, turning our daughter into a zombie and off by books. I guess if I'm being honest, I was too. But I sucked it up, turned the TV off and made pretend that I loved books and reading way more than my magical television shows.
Total impostor syndrome. At first I felt like a total fraud. A mom fraud. But as the years have gone by, I have rediscovered a love of books that had been missing in my life since I was a little kid myself. It was like the old saying, "Smile and the world smiles with you."
We have had a few favorites in the McKay house in the last 5 years. One that has persisted throughout all of the years is A Remainder of One by Elinor J. Pinczes, illustrated by Bonnie MacKain.
I love so many things about this book. The illustrations that remind me of wood cutting prints, the rhyming that flows so well, the little bugs who are so cute, the book's perfect bedtime length. But my absolute favorite thing about this book is how it teaches number sense and divisibility in the most fun way possible.
How cool is the number 25? I had never thought about it before reading this book. It divides 3 ways, each with a reminder of 1. It's a perfect square. This book is just pure genius to get the math wheels churning.
I've wanted to make a set of posters that teachers can display when reading A Remainder of One for a while, and today with a snow day and my family's outing, it was a perfect time.
There is a black and white version of the posters in the download as well as a color version.

You can find the free set of posters here.
What is your favorite children's book? Bonus if it's also a math book!
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