
Long Division Cheat Sheet

This long division reference sheet can help students with the steps of the long division algorithm. The free printable pdf can be enlarged into a long division anchor chart or slipped into a student math notebook.

If your students are struggling with the steps of long division, there is a cheat sheet linked in this post that shows and explains the steps. I once joked to another teacher that I'd be happy sitting around making math cheat sheets all day. It was June, the building was probably 150 degrees and we were in the middle of a rational functions unit, which, ironically, is related to long division. 

Later when I thought about it, I realized that maybe I wasn't totally joking. It's not so much making the sheets themselves (though formatting is strangely addictive), it's making something that a kid can use to help lower stress and build math confidence. No cheat sheet ever takes the place of a teacher, but sometimes every little bit helps when a kid is frustrated and on the verge of giving up.

how to do long division - math cheat sheet for student notebooks

A teacher had recently asked if I could make a long division cheat sheet for one of her students who was having a tough time with the algorithm. 

long division cheat sheet and anchor chart

I love making references and activities for younger kids. I was a high school math teacher for so long that making math resources for younger students can feel a bit intimidating. The last thing I ever want to do is cause misconceptions. 

But I also feel pretty darned honored when trusted to make activities and references for younger students. This happened again when another really nice teacher reached out to ask if I'd make a digital math escape room for her 4th graders. Above is puzzle #4 of a multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers digital math escape room where students multiply and divide then enter the 4-digit code to unlock the puzzle. 

division puzzles - print and digital
Division puzzles

I also made another type of puzzle set, these coming in both print and digital form. This set of 3 division puzzles come in both PDF printable form and digital form in Google Slides. Students need to figure out how the numbers will arrange in the grid to divide to each row and column. The 3 puzzles are easy to differentiate by including or removing the included distractor slips or sorting one of the slips onto the puzzle before giving to students to complete.

Getting back to the long division cheat sheet, I had already made a reference for long division with decimals as part of a 5th grade math word wall, but the teacher who had reached out needed a non-decimal reference to support her student. Her student was having trouble with the standard long division algorithm before decimals even entered the picture.

long division reference sheet printable

He was putting up a wall, so I made this reference sheet for him. If you have students who are also struggling with long division, I hope they find this reference sheet helpful.

I love taking teacher requests. I recently got another teacher request for standard algorithm addition and subtraction references to be added to the 4th grade math word wall. I added the above posters in color (not shown) and black & white to the math word wall. 

>>You can find the free long division cheat sheet here

Long division anchor chart

I enlarged the long division cheat sheet into an anchor chart by following directions in in this poster making post.

More division ideas

long division math pennant activity

A while ago, I had made this long division math pennant for students to practice long division. Some answers have decimal answers and others don't so that you can differentiate for everyone. There are also blank pennants included to customize the activity even further.

Long division ghost pennants

A teacher requested a long division math pennant for Halloween, so I made her these fun long division ghost pennants.

Division Ornaments Activity for Christmas Winter Holidays
Division ornaments

A 4th grade teacher asked if I could make a set of division ornaments for her students to practice division using different methods.


  1. Hi, when I print the long division sheet small or big I can't read the writing. Is there a better way to print it? Thank you for your awesome resources!

    1. Did you grab the pdf from the link to my dropbox? I am also happy to send. My email is

  2. Thank you so much for your resources. I see the kiddos struggling and this allows me to teach the standard and fix the cracks in the "academic foundation". Thank you so much!

    1. I’m so happy to hear this! Helping to patch those cracks is exactly my hope. I also hope that you are having a wonderful year! Thank you so much for your kind words:)

  3. Thank you so much!!! This will really help!!!!!

  4. AnonymousJuly 07, 2023

    I am so happy I used this to show my kids how to do math

  5. AnonymousJuly 07, 2023


