
Synthetic Division in Algebra 2

Need to know how to do synthetic division? Could you use a free math cheat sheet for the algorithm and a video to go along with it? Well you're in the right place!

I originally wrote this synthetic division post years ago after making a cheat sheet to help our inclusion Algebra 2 students with synthetic division. All these years later I am back to update the post with a synthetic division video to go along with the free math cheat sheet download.

Need to know how to do synthetic division? Could you use a free math cheat sheet for the algorithm and a video to go along with it? Well you're in the right place!

Synthetic division, sort of like long division, is a pretty simple process that isn't at all intuitive. It's a great way to find the zeros of a polynomial, especially those with imaginary zeros, but it is an algorithm that needs memorizing and reviewing.

The year I made this sheet we were getting ready for our mid-year exam and were in the middle of a polynomials unit. A quiz was coming up and I realized some kids could use a little extra support with synthetic division. So I made this cheat sheet for them to put in their notebooks. Now coming back to this post to update it all these years later, I reviewed the sheet myself to make the video!

Why do we use synthetic division?

We use it to find the zeros of a polynomial, especially those that have imaginary zeros where the graph's number of zeros does not match its degree. 

In our algebra 2 class we use synthetic division. Because I know other algebra 2 classes also learn polynomial long division, I made a reference sheet for that method, too.

synthetic division cheat sheet (free)
synthetic division cheat sheet (free)

You can find the free synthetic division cheat sheet here.


  1. This is beautiful. You have a gift for it!

    1. Thank you Lisa! I realized im my Synthetic Division excitement that I never completed the problem! That'll come tomorrow...:)

  2. Love this! I just taught this today and would love to give this to my students to add to their folders. Fun and creative, thank you!

  3. I'm getting ready to teach on Tuesday...thanks for the great reference sheet.

  4. Love the resource sheet! It is so neatly organized and includes everything my students need to know. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're so welcome! I'm glad to help. I really do have to refresh on this every year. It's such a weird process so I know the kids must be like, "Whaaaaaat?" HA!

    2. I introduced my students to it earlier this year but am going more in depth soon. This will be a great refresher for them and will hopefully help them understand the process a little better. They had the same reaction as your kids. When I told them they had to multiply and add they looked at me like I had 5 heads and was speaking a foreign language!

